Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2020
Dear EchoRealty Residents,
Shortly you will be receiving an email, or a letter in the mail regarding our 2021 Tenant Satisfaction Survey with customised links to your individual survey.
You are invited to complete this survey and have the chance to win one of fifty $50 Westfield Vouchers.
We care about your experiences as a tenant and would like to hear your feedback so that we can improve our services and better meet your needs. CHIA (Community Housing Industry Association) NSW is managing the survey process to ensure that your data is confidential. Please know that all your feedback remains anonymous.
Please complete and submit your survey by the deadline of Friday 6th August 2021 to be entered in the prize draw.
If you have trouble accessing the survey link provided, please click on the appropriate link below and use your login details provided via email, or letter in the mail.
Online Survey: http://communityhousing.org.au/EchoRealty21
The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. We appreciate the time you spend giving us your feedback so when you complete the survey you will also automatically go into the draw to win a $50 Westfield Voucher.
In our last survey, you told us that:
- 85% of you were satisfied with our overall services
- 87% of you were satisfied with the condition of your home
- 66% of you thought that we listen to tenants’ views and act on
Following your feedback, we have focused on improving how we engage with you and have implemented new Customer Service Standards to ensure we can track our response times to your requests .
By completing our survey, you help us identify what we should work on next to make your experience better for you. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please email us at info@echorealty.com.au.
I hope you are staying well in these most challenging of times.
Best Wishes,
Charlie Souma | Senior Manager – EchoRealty