All About Repairs
EchoRealty is committed to maintaining a standard of service that ensures our residents are comfortable in their homes, therefore, property maintenance is always high on our agenda.
EchoRealty aims to provide prompt delivery of services. When you lodge a repair request through our repairs portal online, the repair is assessed by our team.
You are able to promptly report a repair online through your Renters portal below.
To ensure that we can attend to your repair requests within a quick time-frame, please log onto your Tenant Portal by clicking the link above and provide all necessary information for our assessment.
Reporting an URGENT repair:
OurOur office hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. For non-urgent repairs, please lodge this through our renters portal at any time. If you have already reported a repair and would like an update on your request, please contact your property manager who will be able to assist you with your request.
For urgent repair requests ONLY, please contact 1800 324 684.
Below is a list of repairs classified as urgent:
- A burst water service
- A blocked or broken laverty system
- A serious roof leak
- A gas leak
- A dangerous electrical fault
- Flooding or serious flood damage
- Serious storm or fire damage
- A failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the residential premises
- A failure or breakdown of any essential service on the residential premises for hot water, cooking, heating, cooling or laundering
- Any fault or damage that causes the residential premises to be unsafe or insecure
Please note: If a contractor has attended your property for an emergency repair after-hours, and it is not deemed an emergency, you may be charged the invoice.